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Virginia Mental Health Access Program
Virginia Mental Health Access Program
12.5% of Virginia children have had at least one major depressive episode
Virginia Mental Health Access Program
Virginia ranks 47th lowest in US for mental health care for kids under 18 years old
Virginia children cannot access the mental health services they need. We suffer from a severe shortage of child psychiatrists- only two counties have sufficient numbers of child psychiatrists. Over half the counties do not even have one child/adolescent mental health professional. 1 in 5 children has a diagnosable mental disorder & 1 in 10 suffers from a serious mental health problem. The majority of these children have nowhere to go for help.
Provide more children with mental health services by expanding the existing workforce. With the severe shortage of these services, we must make them available in places where children already access health care. The VMAP will do this by giving providers the training and tools they need to serve children with mental health needs. This program will ensure that more children have access to providers who are better able to screen, diagnose, manage and treat mental health.
VMAP has received three separate grants and has partners and supporters throughout the state committed to helping children get the treatment they need. The program is already providing services in some regions. The $1.23 million allocated in the Governor’s budget will get VMAP off the ground and enable it to fully expand statewide.
For more information regarding the Virginia Mental Health Access Program, please visit
VMAP Mental Health Educational
Opportunities for Primary Care Providers
Pediatricians, Family Practice Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants
Click on any of the sessions above for more information or to register
*VMAP is funded and operated through the Pediatric Foundation of Virginia, Inc.