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Our Mission


To champion and advocate for the health and well-being of all children and adolescents in the Commonwealth of Virginia.



To be the leading authority, advocate, and voice for the health of Virginia’s children and the profession of pediatrics, fostering an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated, and equitable healthcare is accessible to every child.

Note: Use of the term “children” refers to infants, children, adolescents, and young adults; use of the term “pediatrician” refers to the primary care pediatrician, pediatric sub specialist and surgical specialist.

Interested in getting involved?  Every member makes a difference.  You can have a role as small or as big as you want!  Our strength resides in our ability to mobilize and work together.  We are a resource for each other.


Find your interest. Share your skills. Make a difference.

Contact our Executive Director, to find a role that fits your interests and availability.